Mine to market transparent crystals with a social conscience.
Do you know the origin of your healing crystals and what their journey looks like? Do you know about the communities that mined for your crystals? It’s time to open the dialogue on opaque supply chains and work towards a sustainable future.
On a mission to empower artisanal and small-scale miners around the world.
Academia da Serra…
We have been working with the mining community in Novo Horizonte since Crystal Clear launched. From supplying Covid Care Packages, to Health and Safety Equipment, we have always been dedicated to transforming lives at ground level.
Now, together with a collective of visionaries and industry experts, we are working on the creation and implementation of a blueprint for responsible sourcing and production. It’s a model that can be replicated globally in an effort to inspire positive impact in our industry… and we’d love you to join us on the journey.
Welcome to the Academia de Serra.
Women in mining.
Crystal Clear is committed to supporting global gender equality. Through training, empowerment and reliable routes to market for women in mining we can transform the industry.
Here at Crystal Clear we reinvest into the community so empower women in mining.
Meet the miners.
Artisanal Small Scale Mining (ASM) is a route out of poverty for an estimated 40 million people worldwide, with a further 150 million dependant on the sector in some way for their livelihood . This is predominantly across gold and other precious metals, precious gemstones, and minerals used in electronics, but healing crystals also have an important role to play. So, Crystal Clear is on a mission to provide a voice, support and a transparent route to market for these struggling communities. We are a non-profit ‘Community Interest Company’ (CIC) with the primary goal of having a positive social impact.

“We are all connected in ways we’ve never imagined. And, it’s vital that we help each other thrive as society.”
— Fairmined
Let’s get Crystal Clear.
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