Minedful Donation.
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Our first community based project focused on the cooperative COOPEGANH at Novo Horizonte, Bahia, Brazil. This mine produces Golden Rutilated Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Clear Quartz and other rutile varieties. We worked with geologist and sustainability expert Brian Cook, the Secretary of Health and the Mayors Office to ensure that funds were allocated efficiently. Around $2000 was raised towards food security and safety masks to protect miners against silicosis
Our current active project which we’re raising funds for is for women in mining in Malawi. The latest available Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 data shows that the world is not on track to achieve gender equality by 2030. We are committed to supporting women in mining when it comes to inequality. Many African women miners do not have the knowledge, training or skillsets to identify the gemstones that they mine. This means they are vulnerable to exploitation and undervaluations. In most artisanal mining set-ups, women hand over their finds to male mining partners and they often never know the true worth nor reap the true financial benefits. We have recently funded a two day training course for women in mining in Malawi with support from our sister company She’s Lost Control. The overall objective is to provide women miners with new skills that will make them better informed and knowledgeable in the world of gemstones, ultimately empowering them to impact change when it comes to gender inequality within the mining sector.